well hello there!

Meet the sibling parents behind Frolik+Co (under-eye bags courtesy of little kids. Parenting eh?!)

Hey there, I'm Scott, the founder of Frolik+Co.

Picture this: it's 2019 and my husband and I are living miles away from home, anxiously awaiting the arrival of our surrogate baby.

During a seemingly never-ending flight to the UK (to see our surrogate), I sat across from a frazzled mom desperately passing teether toys to her wailing baby, only to watch them hit the floor seconds later. This relentless teething ordeal lasted 9 HOURS.

An idea for a teether popped in to my head. I took out my notepad and sketched it out. Then I forgot about it…

Fast forward to January 2020, our son arrives, the pandemic sweeps in, and we lose everything. Suddenly we're jobless, homeless, and utterly bewildered with a newborn in tow. It was a daunting start to our family journey.

Seeking refuge at my mom's place, all we could focus on was our precious baby boy. He started teething at 4 months, and suddenly I was in that NEVER-ENDING cycle of picking up dropped teethers. Amid the teething tantrums, my in-flight idea resurfaced.

Now, three years, countless trials, and a lot of learning later that idea, the toothi, is ready! We created it out of our own necessity to make teething a breeze for both our babies AND us. Now, we're thrilled to see it help babies and parents everywhere.

And the story doesn't end here. We’re tired of feeling disappointed with children's products that look good but don’t deliver; it’s time for a change. Where are the solutions designed to tackle real challenges that parents and babies face as they grow? We can’t find them, so we’re on a mission to create them.

Hi, thanks for coming to our small part of the world!

I’m Lisa - proud mom of two and stepmom of one, native Brit living in the US of A, tech entrepreneur, constantly surviving on coffee, wearer of many hats, big sister to that guy you just read about above me………and Co-Founder
of Frolik + Co.

When I found out that I was going to become a mom for the first time, the ‘Type A’ in me went into overdrive.  I bought every book there was, attended every class and bought every ‘must-have’ product out there.  I was ready! (yes – I hear you laughing).

Of course, I very quickly realized that motherhood is
actually a lot more messy, challenging, exhausting, and wonderful than I could have ever prepared for.  But one thing that I was really surprised at was not how much ‘stuff’ you need with a baby………but how much wasted ‘stuff’ you end up with. 

So here’s our promise: every Frolik+Co product will be
designed to make your life easier and your babies happier, starting with The Toothi.  Our goal is to identify pain points, design products that make them disappear, and ultimately give you time and energy back to focus on the messy and beautiful ride that is parenthood.  Enjoy!