
How to tell the difference between a cold and a teething baby

Lisa McDonough

Hey there, new parents! If you're reading this, chances are you've recently discovered that having a baby comes with a lot of mysteries. One of the biggest? Trying to figure out if your little bundle of joy is suffering from a cold or just cutting a tooth. We know – the struggle is real!


Let’s dive into the world of snotty noses, dribbling chins, and sleepless nights to help you decode whether your baby’s crankiness is due to a pesky cold or teething. Get ready, because it’s time to sharpen those detective skills!


Symptom #1: Runny Nose


The Cold: A runny nose can be the first sign that a cold is crashing the party. The mucus might start clear but can turn yellow or green as the days go by. Yep, it's gross, but this is parenthood!


Teething: Ah, the dribbles! A teething baby will often have a waterfall of drool cascading down their chin. But here’s the twist – teething drool is more like a river of saliva, without the thick, colorful stuff. If you’re going through bibs faster than laundry day, it’s probably teething!


Symptom #2: Coughing


The Cold: Coughing during a cold is usually from postnasal drip or a sore throat. It’s persistent and can sound a little rough, like your baby just took up a pack-a-day habit (don’t worry, they didn’t!).


Teething: Teething can cause coughing too, but it’s more of a dainty, occasional cough. Think of it as a polite "ahem" from all that drool trickling down the back of their throat. If the cough is gentle and only happens when the drool is flowing, you might just be dealing with some teething drama.


Symptom #3: Fever


The Cold: A low-grade fever (think 100-101°F) can come with a cold. But if your baby starts looking like they could fry an egg on their forehead (over 102°F), it’s time to give your pediatrician a call!


Teething: Teething can also cause a slight rise in temperature, but it’s typically a “don’t-even-bother-with-the-thermometer” kind of fever – usually under 100°F. If your baby is feeling a bit warm but still wants to chew on everything in sight, they’re likely just gearing up to show off some shiny new teeth.


Symptom #4: Crankiness


The Cold: A cold makes everyone grumpy – babies included. If your little one is fussy, clingy, and just generally unhappy with life (aren't we all sometimes?), they might have a cold.


Teething: Crankiness is also a classic sign of teething, but there’s a difference! With teething, you’ll see bursts of irritation, especially when they’re trying to nap or eat. If your baby calms down after gnawing on a cold teether (like the ultra-fantastic ‘Toothi’ from Frolik+Co – shameless plug alert!), then teething is likely the culprit.


Symptom #5: Sleep Troubles


The Cold: If your baby has a cold, they might struggle to sleep through the night due to congestion or a cough. It’s like having a tiny, restless roommate with a constant case of the sniffles.


Teething: Teething can cause sleep disturbances too, but it’s often more of a “wake up, whimper, chew, sleep” cycle. They’ll wake up fussy, chew on something (hopefully that amazing ‘Toothi’), and then drift back to sleep.


Symptom #6: Appetite Changes


The Cold: If your baby has a cold, they might not feel like eating much. Who wants to drink milk when their nose is all stuffed up, right?


Teething: Teething babies might go on a hunger strike when it comes to solid foods, but they’ll often still nurse or take a bottle because sucking feels soothing. If they’re chewing on everything like they’re auditioning for a role in “Jaws,” it’s likely teething.


The Final Clue: Timeline


The Cold: A cold typically lasts about 7 to 10 days. So, if symptoms linger and gradually improve,
you’ve got your answer!


Teething: Teething can feel like it’s going on forever because, well, it kind of does. Those teeth can take weeks or even months to fully break through, so if your baby has on-again, off-again symptoms, it’s probably teething.


The Verdict


In the epic showdown of Cold vs. Teething, there’s one big takeaway: you’re a superhero parent who’s learning to decode the mysterious language of babyhood! Remember, when in doubt, give your pediatrician a call. They’re the sidekick you never knew you needed. 


And if teething is the culprit, don't forget to check out ‘Toothi’ from Frolik+Co – because why not make the experience a little less drool-filled and a lot more manageable?


Hang in there, you've got this! 🌟


How to tell the difference between a cold and a teething baby

Lisa McDonough

Hey there, new parents! If you're reading this, chances are you've recently discovered that having a baby comes with a lot of mysteries. One of the biggest? Trying to figure out if your little bundle of joy is suffering from a cold or just cutting a tooth. We know – the struggle is real!


Let’s dive into the world of snotty noses, dribbling chins, and sleepless nights to help you decode whether your baby’s crankiness is due to a pesky cold or teething. Get ready, because it’s time to sharpen those detective skills!


Symptom #1: Runny Nose


The Cold: A runny nose can be the first sign that a cold is crashing the party. The mucus might start clear but can turn yellow or green as the days go by. Yep, it's gross, but this is parenthood!


Teething: Ah, the dribbles! A teething baby will often have a waterfall of drool cascading down their chin. But here’s the twist – teething drool is more like a river of saliva, without the thick, colorful stuff. If you’re going through bibs faster than laundry day, it’s probably teething!


Symptom #2: Coughing


The Cold: Coughing during a cold is usually from postnasal drip or a sore throat. It’s persistent and can sound a little rough, like your baby just took up a pack-a-day habit (don’t worry, they didn’t!).


Teething: Teething can cause coughing too, but it’s more of a dainty, occasional cough. Think of it as a polite "ahem" from all that drool trickling down the back of their throat. If the cough is gentle and only happens when the drool is flowing, you might just be dealing with some teething drama.


Symptom #3: Fever


The Cold: A low-grade fever (think 100-101°F) can come with a cold. But if your baby starts looking like they could fry an egg on their forehead (over 102°F), it’s time to give your pediatrician a call!


Teething: Teething can also cause a slight rise in temperature, but it’s typically a “don’t-even-bother-with-the-thermometer” kind of fever – usually under 100°F. If your baby is feeling a bit warm but still wants to chew on everything in sight, they’re likely just gearing up to show off some shiny new teeth.


Symptom #4: Crankiness


The Cold: A cold makes everyone grumpy – babies included. If your little one is fussy, clingy, and just generally unhappy with life (aren't we all sometimes?), they might have a cold.


Teething: Crankiness is also a classic sign of teething, but there’s a difference! With teething, you’ll see bursts of irritation, especially when they’re trying to nap or eat. If your baby calms down after gnawing on a cold teether (like the ultra-fantastic ‘Toothi’ from Frolik+Co – shameless plug alert!), then teething is likely the culprit.


Symptom #5: Sleep Troubles


The Cold: If your baby has a cold, they might struggle to sleep through the night due to congestion or a cough. It’s like having a tiny, restless roommate with a constant case of the sniffles.


Teething: Teething can cause sleep disturbances too, but it’s often more of a “wake up, whimper, chew, sleep” cycle. They’ll wake up fussy, chew on something (hopefully that amazing ‘Toothi’), and then drift back to sleep.


Symptom #6: Appetite Changes


The Cold: If your baby has a cold, they might not feel like eating much. Who wants to drink milk when their nose is all stuffed up, right?


Teething: Teething babies might go on a hunger strike when it comes to solid foods, but they’ll often still nurse or take a bottle because sucking feels soothing. If they’re chewing on everything like they’re auditioning for a role in “Jaws,” it’s likely teething.


The Final Clue: Timeline


The Cold: A cold typically lasts about 7 to 10 days. So, if symptoms linger and gradually improve,
you’ve got your answer!


Teething: Teething can feel like it’s going on forever because, well, it kind of does. Those teeth can take weeks or even months to fully break through, so if your baby has on-again, off-again symptoms, it’s probably teething.


The Verdict


In the epic showdown of Cold vs. Teething, there’s one big takeaway: you’re a superhero parent who’s learning to decode the mysterious language of babyhood! Remember, when in doubt, give your pediatrician a call. They’re the sidekick you never knew you needed. 


And if teething is the culprit, don't forget to check out ‘Toothi’ from Frolik+Co – because why not make the experience a little less drool-filled and a lot more manageable?


Hang in there, you've got this! 🌟